Our Projects.
Project Reservoir would like to represent our 2016-2017 STEAM based teams with an environmental and community education focus. Our teams have been busy preparing their websites and plan on changing their neighborhoods, the State of NJ, and hopefully the world.

Our project is based on mosquitoes. Mosquitoes and humans have a symbiotic relationship called parasitism. Mosquitoes are harmful and carry diseases that can cause minor irritation to the Zika virus. Zika is a disease that causes birth defects like microcephaly and usually shows symptoms of fever, rash and joint pain. Zika has become such an issue that people across America are worried that they they will get it. This is a huge public issue, causing millions of deaths worldwide every year. For our project, we try to help and elimnate mosquitoes by using traps we built ourselves that are more nature friendly and not harmful to the environment.

Our team, including Malk Aziz, Neil Mascarenhas, and Harshal Agrawal, live in Jersey City, New Jersey. Based on our previous work with natural methods of phosphorus and nitrogen removal and our research with algae, we combined our ideas to create a team that would use all past experiences to create new phosphorus removal technology.
Since algal blooms can release harmful cyanobacteria, it can harm both humans and animals. We created a chinampa, or a floating garden, to include four algae/phosphorus eliminating components; daphnia, mycofiltration, plants, and solar aeration. You can learn more about these components and how we utilize them throughout our website. Most of our work takes place in Jersey City's Reservoir #3, where we have a natural environment to collect data from and run tests. http://biofiltrators.weebly.com

Our team, Filter Frenzy, is looking to create a filter/chinampa to be able to filter out cyanobacteria from freshwater environments. Cyanobacteria is an ongoing issue in our society, as it has been harming and killing many aquatic and non aquatic animals. We will create a filter that is filled with daphnia that will kill the cyanobacteria. The chinampa is an extra filtration system that is natural to use. Using this project we hope to eliminate cyanobacteria and stop if from ruining the water we need to survive off of.

Drones Recording Our Natural Environment
@PS28DRONE is a team of 8th graders using DRONE Technology to record naturally occurring issues in the environment. They are working and sponsored by The City of Trees and the Jersey City Parks Coalition. The members Daniel, Fritz, Diana, Samantha, and Ryan’s plans to use drones with thermal imaging technology to check the health of trees and map them. They were able to achieve this goal by studying the temperature of trees during different times of the day providing the necessary data necessary to tell if the tree is healthy or dying. They will also be making a virtual reality tour of the tree canopies.

@PR_BatHaven is a team of 8th graders focusing on designing an urban bat house for an insectivorous species common to New Jersey little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus) that can induce these insectivorous bats to migrate into areas where we need mosquito control and other pests control that bats consume. We will use our school’s drone to find suitable areas that are inaccessible on public land/parks in Jersey City to determine areas where it would be suitable to place our bat house (Bat Haven) and then placing it on a public google map, that we will create. To learn more about project, please visit our site:

Twitter: @CO2eliminators
We are a group of seven, seventh grade girls at P.S. #28 in Jersey City. We are trying to eliminate carbon in the atmosphere. We want to build a box to sit under city benches. The box will have plants which will absorb CO2. Since we live in Jersey city, winters are cold. We will use a heat lamp to keep the plant warms, 35 watt solar panels, LED lights to provide light to people sitting on the bench, fans to force the air through.
See our progress at http://co2eliminators.wixsite.com/co2eliminators

We are a group of 6th graders who are taking old spare tires and putting them to use. Our goal is to find different ways to give old tires a new purpose Science