Our Projects.
Project Reservoir would like to represent our 2015-16 STEAM based teams with an environmental and community education focus. Our teams have been busy preparing their websites and plan on changing their neighborhoods, the State of NJ, and hopefully the world.

Aquaponics is a way of growing plants using nutrients in the water.
These nutrients can come from the waste of fish and other aquatic animals. Plants can also absorb phosphate and nitrogen in the water. Our team uses hydroponically grown plants to limit algal blooms. An algal bloom is a rapid increase of algae. Sometimes, they can happen naturally, but most of the time, they are a cause of nutrient pollution.
Learn more about their project at: http://aquaponics28.weebly.com

The whole idea of our project is to protect bees and their bee hives against the harsh and sever weather during the winter. We have several ideas to benefit us in the future but currently we are focused on one which is the bee safe. Not only are we helping the bees but we are also helping the community because without bees we wouldn't be here today. Learn more about their project http://anthosavers4.weebly.com

Storm Tamers on Rainwater Missions
As members of S.T.O.R.M, we work to prevent water pollution, control rainwater runoff, and create sewage filtration systems. Throughout the whole process, our main goal is to teach people everywhere about our project and work to extinguish water pollution completely.
Learn more about S.T.O.R.M. at http://teamstorm28.weebly.com

S.T.E.A.M Spartans. S.T.E.A.M stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Athletics and Mathematics. Our goal is to create S.T.E.A.M based activities in nature to encourage children to be physically healthy. We are utilizing the unique opportunity of exposing city kids like us to the hidden oasis of our local reservoir, using the Phragmite maze and creating our obstacles around it while trying to improve the health of our participants by exposing them to first hand knowledge of staying active, eating healthy and learning basic information like your heart rate, how it works, and why it's so important. Learn more about Steam Spartans at http://prsteamspartans.weebly.com

Plastic Elastic 2.0, aims to build upon the original project and grow. We plan to expand the project and we will even work with their original project (plarn, plarn bracelets, etc.) and improve it. We want to reduce the harmful effects of plastic. The danger to us is explained here, the danger to wildlife is explained here, and the harmful chemicals and their effects are explained here. Learn more about their projects at http://plasticelastic.weebly.com.

Our team Aqua Energizers are based on shade balls. Shade balls are these black round balls that were dumped in the L.A. reservoir. Shade balls are made up of black polyethylene, plastic, and carbon. It is coated with ultraviolet light and degradation. We are currently imating what the covered part of the reservior would like. We have 2 tanks, both fully polluted with java moss, duck weed, algae, dirt, duck poo, and fish food. We've been testing both tanks. We check their phosphate, nirite, nirate, and dissloving oxygen. Right now both of the tanks are the same but we plan to do something more. Learn more about project at http://aquaenergizers.wix.com/praqua